Oregon's COVID-19 Campaign Goes Nationwide

Governor Kate Brown announced today that, in collaboration with DIRECTV and Portland-based ad agency Wieden+Kennedy, Oregon's public awareness campaign to inform the public about the urgent importance of wearing face coverings has launched nationwide. Wieden+Kennedy provided their creative services at no cost to the state, and DIRECTV is covering the costs of airing the ad campaign.

“We face this pandemic as one country. The only way we are going to see this crisis through is by working together. By wearing a face covering, we protect everyone around us,” said Governor Brown. "I would like to thank the team at Wieden+Kennedy for donating their creative talent, and DIRECTV for their generosity in helping deliver this message nationwide.

“As the colder months return and we all spend more time indoors, we can keep our friends and loved ones healthy and safe by following the advice of doctors: wearing a face covering in public, physically distancing, washing our hands frequently, and avoiding large gatherings.

“Wearing a face covering is a simple, common sense way to protect yourself and others. It’s an easy way to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and save lives. Across the country, no matter our differences, we all want to return to the way life was before COVID-19. We all want to reopen schools, businesses, communities, and economies. How do we get there? It starts with each and every one of us wearing a mask in public.”

"We are committed to helping our community stay safe during these challenging times,” said George Granger, Oregon President of AT&T. “We are proud to help the State of Oregon deliver their important message. It's imperative that we all do our part.”

The ad campaign—which originally began airing in Oregon in July on social media, online video platforms, and outdoor media—was created to speak directly to people about how our individual decisions can impact the COVID-19 health crisis. It provides clarity and conviction around what wearing a face covering means—and how we all have a role to play in reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Text of A Mask is Just a Mask:

A mask should not be

A sign of weakness

A political statement

Another way to divide us

A mask is a protective device

A barrier to protect you

And those around you from a virus

A mask is just a mask

And masks save lives

This year, don't accidentally kill someone.

Wear a mask and socially distance.

Source: Oregon Governor's Office

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