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Woman Whose Boyfriend Was Tackled at Baseball Game Speaks Out

By now, you've probably seen the below video. Crazy.

Here's what this guys now fiancé had to say about the experience.

“I didn't even see him run into the field. I didn't see him until literally five seconds before — then I almost missed the whole thing. I barely caught it, and then he got knocked down,” Stephani Gutierrez told BuzzFeed News. “I was so confused. Of course I was going to say yes, but I didn't even get to say yes. I was yelling.”

Juarez told BuzzFeed News that he was shocked when he got tackled by security, and the only thing he could think about was not losing the ring. 

“All the people that I went with were like, ‘What the hell?’ If he would've told us that he was going to do that, we would've all told him that's a huge no-no, he can't do that,” she said. 


Baseball game

Photo: Getty Images

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