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Mental Health Resources

It has been estimated that 43.8 million United States adults are living with a mental illness and that 1 in 5 youth aged 13-18 will experience a mental illness at some point in their lives. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, the 3rd leading cause of death in American youth 10-14, and the 2nd leading cause in American people aged 15-24. Over 90% of youth that died by suicide had some sort of mental illness, and every day an estimated 18-22 veterans die by suicide. For more statistics on mental health please check out NAMI

I have been living with severe generalized anxiety disorder since I was a child, I am one of the roughly 18.1% of adults who have an anxiety disorder. There is no shame in asking for help. Your mental help is just as important as your physical health. The first step in beating the mental health stigma is by talking about it openly and honestly with each other. 

If you are living through mental illness or someone you love my be living with one, please check out the resources below. 

Free or Discounted Counseling 

 If you have insurance, please contact your provider because you may qualify for therapy that is 100% covered by your plan. 

  • For therapy charged on a sliding scale check out Portland Therapy Center, most of these counselors will charge as little as $50 per session. 
  • For uninsured Clark County, Washington residents you are able to get free therapy through The Wellness Project

Resources For Parents of a Child with Mental Illness

If you believe your child may be living with mental illness, speak with their pediatrician about resources. 

  • If you believe your child may have mental illness and are struggling with identifying the signs, Mayo Clinic has a great resources on what to look for. 
  • If your child has a mental illness, there are some great books on how parents can support their children. 
  • Parenting a child with mental illness can be confusing, NAMI has resources that can help. 

Mental illness in children is not always a phase, if you have a history of mental illness in your family, seek out help as soon as you can. 

Identifying Mental Illness Signs In Someone You Love

If you notice a sudden shift in mood, or a have a feeling that someone you care about is living with mental illness, there are resources to help with the identifying the signs. 

  • If an adult in your life may be developing a mental illness, there are warning signs to look for.
  • If you believe your child, or a child in your life, may be developing a mental illness, there are warning signs to look out for. 

If You or Someone You Know May Be Considering Suicide

Please know that it will always get better, believing that statement is never easy, but there are people around you that want you around, and want to support you. Please seek resources to help you through suicidal thoughts. The world would not be the same without you. 

  • For immediate help please dial 911. If you are believing you may be at risk in the near future, call the suicide prevention lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. 
  • If you believe someone you know may be considering suicide, CNN has complied a list of resources. 

Please seek help if you believe you are living with a mental illness. There is nothing wrong with you. It is possible to live your entire life with mental illness. The world wold not be the same without you. Help is available to you. 

If someone you know may be considering suicide, please help them navigate through finding help. 

There are plenty of resources to #BeWell, thanks to Well Being Trust, you can find A MULTITUDE of resources including how to help loved ones open up, talking to your kids about mental health, and a digital tool kit for teens all in one easy page RIGHT HERE and HERE

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