Fast-Food Toys Could Be Coming To An End

Where’s The Fast-Food Toys Going? The dramatic end to fast-food toys is happening. Over in the UK, British Burger Kings’ are set to chop and melt hundreds of thousands of plastic toy figurines in England this December. Recycling plant Pentatonic will melt the toys to make playground equipment and food trays. For years politicians and public health advocates have argued that the toys are marketed to children which contribute to childhood obesity. The toys are a part of the growing concern over plastics in the fast-food industry with straws, cups and take out containers causing damaging pollution. Burger King has vowed to eliminate toys by 2025 and McDonald’s has established a task force that has recommended to scale back fast-food toy distribution, some British McDonald’s are offering a bag of fruit in place of the toys?

How do you feel about no toys in children's meals? Should America do the same? Is this a good option for kids and the environment or the end of much-needed childhood experience?

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