This was posted over a year ago, but the story continues to spread all over! Volunteer Terry Lauerman has became a viral sensation after a pet shelter shared photos showing the napping senior snuggling with many of the shelter's cats. "I've always liked cats and I always had cats when I was kid, and I loved them," he said. "In many ways, I see my old cats in these cats here." Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary's Facebook post about Lauerman has garnered over 40,000 reactions and 11,000 shares since Tuesday afternoon – and those numbers continue to climb. The post also made its way onto social news sites like Reddit and BuzzFeed, and was covered Thursday by "Good Morning America." In just two days, Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary raised $20,000!
"We are so lucky to have a human like Terry. Terry just came along one day and introduced himself. He said he'd like to brush cats. Eventually it became everyday. He brushes all of the cats, and can tell you about all of their likes and dislikes. He also accidentally falls asleep most days. We don't mind - Cats need this! Terry is a wonderful volunteer."