PETA slammed Justin Bieber over his decision to purchase two exotic kittens for $35,000. Bieber defended himself and his cats Sushi and Tuna by telling PETA to "suck it." Bieber posted on Instagram saying, "PETA go focus on real problems. Like poaching, and animal brutality. Ur tripping because I want a specific kind of cat? U weren’t tripping when I got my dog Oscar and he wasn’t a rescue.” Bieber also encouraged fans to follow Sushi and Tuna's Instagram page. PETA responded saying, "Sorry, Justin, but you must think more deeply about this issue: When millions of animals are losing their lives every year because not enough people adopt — choosing instead to shop — the animal overpopulation crisis is a ‘real problem.’ That’s what ‘sucks.'” Who's side are you on?
*scroll through the bottom video to hear more!