According to Business Insider, the list looked into population change, the percentage of people with jobs, median household incomes, median commute times, the number of people living in poverty, and the percentage of people without health insurance.
Chicago is plagued by gun violence; Los Angeles is hit by earthquakes and wildfires; and several cities in Florida regularly face hurricanes. Yet the most miserable city in the U.S. is Gary, Indiana. That's according to Business Insider, which on Wednesday released its list of the Most Miserable Cities in the Country. The main reason Gary residents are so unhappy is unemployment. According to the list, only half of its population is employed and 36 percent of residents live in poverty. Port Arthur, Texas checks in at number two; Detroit is ranked third; and two New Jersey cities -- Passaic and Newark -- round out the top five.
While not very high at all on this list, the "most miserable city" for Oregon is Gresham - ranked at #257, then Springfield at #445. For the state of Washington theirs is Lakewood at #177, then Yakima at #256.
See the full list HERE!