The 2018 Women's March Was One To Remember

The second annual Women's March took place all across the country, and even some parts of the world on Saturday. In New York City it has been estimated that around 200,000 attended, 500,000 in Los Angeles, and around 10,000 in our nations capitol.

This years march was focused on bringing power to the polls, and reminding people how important it would be to vote in this years midterm election. The Dream Act was also weighing on the minds of marchers, especially with the current Trump Shutdown. The Dream Act, or DACA, is set in place to protect the children of illegal immigrants. 

DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. The policy allowed people who immigrated to the country as minors illegally to request deferred action for two years. This makes it so that they may be eligible for a work permit and to stay in the country. These children, called Dreamers, are at risk of being deported from the only home they have ever known if they policy is taken off the table. As of 2017 800,000 people were enrolled in the program. 

Celebrities came to the march, and inspired the crowds with their speeches. Including the poem Halsey read to the crowd in New York City. TW: Rape/Assault

The crowd's came to show that we are here to say, and our voices are meant to be heard.

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