Driver Attempts Carpooling with Halloween Skeleton, Gets Pulled Over

One Houston driver has been deemed "bad to the bone" after getting caught with a special passenger in the HOV lane. The Harris County Constable's Office shared the news of a driver trying to pass off a skeleton as a passenger to get away with using the carpool lane. The Constable's Office also shared a photo of the boney passenger who was buckled up and wearing a cowboy hat. The driver reportedly claimed he was just a fan of Halloween and was not paying attention to the HOV lane.

"We know Halloween's just around the corner, but when Constable Ted Heap's Toll Road deputies saw this vehicle in the Katy HOV lanes, they had a feeling in their bones that something wasn't right. Our deputies saw right through the ruse and issued the driver a bone-afide citation. After a sternum lecture, deputies wished him bone voyage!"

What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen while driving?

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