Flight Makes Emergency Landing After 'Someone's Ear Was Being Bit Off'

A United Airlines flight from Newark, New Jersey to Miami made an unexpected stop in South Carolina last week after police say a man bit another passenger. The flight from Newark to Miami had to land in Charleston, South Carolina, after a "report of someone's ear being bit off," a spokesperson for Charleston County Aviation Authority Police Department told USA Today.

Police say the suspect, 45-year-old John Yurkovich Jr., seemed "agitated" after a trip to the bathroom. After asking for a glass of water, he began to "scream and thrash around." According to the police report, that's when Yurkovich punched a passenger sitting next to him several times. While other people tried to restrain him, the same passenger was also allegedly bit on the ear (which later required seven stitches). A doctor on board tried to subdue Yurkovich with a shot of Benadryl until the flight could land.

Have you been on a flight that had to be diverted because of a disruptive passenger?

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