Paul Rudd Makes Hilarious PSA Asking Millennials to Wear Masks

Research is showing that there has been a rise in coronavirus cases in young adults. The main reason for the rise is the lack of mask-wearing. The State of New York is making an effort to reach out to millennials by asking eternally young Paul Rudd to participate in a public service video. Rudd is 51-years-old. In the clip, Rudd breaks out the lingo saying, "So Cuomes (Governor Andrew Cuomo) asks me, he’s like, 'Paul, you’ve got to help. What are you, like, 26?' And I didn’t correct him. So, fam, let’s real-talk. Masks, they’re totally beast. So slide that into your DMs and Twitch it." Rudd breaks character and gets serious yelling, "Just wear a mask. I shouldn’t have to make it fun! It’s science! UGH!" Who are you most likely to see without a mask in public? A younger person or older person? 

Paul Rudd - Rodin Eckenroth / Stringer

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