The world's last Blockbuster in existence (located in Bend, OR) is now on Airbnb and is available to rent. But sadly, it's only for residents in that county. Read this from the official Airbnb page listing:
Hey Deschutes County residents! Dust off those membership cards for a sleepover inside the world’s last BLOCKBUSTER. When you call dibs on this stay, you’re booking a night back in the 90s, but this time you won’t have to beg your parents to rent the latest horror flick–we’ll give you the keys to the entire store!
On 8/17 at 1PM PT, we’re inviting movie lovers from the area to request to book one of these three, one-night stays that will take place on 9/18, 9/19 and 9/20 for up to four people.
And oddly enough, the official Blockbuster Video twitter page (that hasn't been active since 2014) just tweeted today! "Just checking in". (see below)
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Is Blockbuster going to try and make a comeback somehow? A Blockbuster Bluebox, like Redbox? Or streaming services? What do you think?