The Real Life Conjuring House Is Going To Be Live Streamed

Need something spooky in your life right now? If you're at the house bored because of self-isolation might I suggest watching the live-stream of The Conjuring house? The 24/7 stream will happen from May 9 till May 16 on The Dark Zone Network, but the only thing that sucks is that there's a fee. To stream the Rhode Island home for 24 hours it's going to cost $4.99. To stream for the entire week it'll be $19.99. If you're not familiar, The Conjuring is based on the Perron family who moved into the house in 1970 and began to experience paranormal activity. They moved out of the home in 1980. Are you willing to pay to live-stream THe Conjuring house? 

Premiere Of Warner Bros. "The Conjuring" - Photo Kevin Winter / Staff

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